Rooftop Club Gallery is open 24/7 with DJ's spinning at the following times
during January 2009:
Monday5pm - 7pm Savascha Navarita
7pm - 9pm Ramdog Mimulus
9pm - 11pm Kathrine Ivory
11pm - 1pm Warrick Renfold
Tuesday 7pm - 9pm Savascha Navarita
9pm - 11pm Red Verwood
Wednesday1am - 3am Wildsilk Capalini
5pm - 7pm Foxie Yoshikawa
Thursday8pm - 10pm Windsor Lorefield
10pm - 12pm Solange Simondsen
Friday11am - 1pm Frederick Graves (?)
6pm - 8pm CheckersSpeech Low
8pm - 10pm Guinevere Kirshner
10pm - 12am Electric Emmons
Saturday7am - 9am 8wall Wigglesworth
3pm - 5pm Madison Oller/TBD
5pm - 7pm CheckersSpeech Low
7pm - 9pm Colleen Lilliehook
9pm - 12am PirateDucky Constantine
Sunday3pm - 5pm Ices Zapatero
5pm - 8pm Quirky Questi
8pm - 10pm Xi Ballyhoo
10pm - 12 Solange Simondsen
The following DJs do not have scheduled times but whom may play sets as they are available. Keep an eye on the QTI and Rooftop Club IM's and notices:
HotJack Canning
Milo Dyden
LeeLee Frangilli
Ennui Clip
Campbell Emmons
Penelope Sideshow
Infinite Graves
Dj's yet to be scheduled:
Gummo Guisse
Falen Baar
NOTE: if you arrive at the Rooftop at any of the above scheduled times and there is no one there please IM Rooftop Club group or the Rooftop Venue Manager Solange Simondsen to find out if there has been a cancelation. There is a notice board in the Club with the next 24 hour's worth of sets displayed.
Quadrapop Tree Subscribe-o-matic groupPlease join the subscribo at the Rooftop to receive these weekly schedule updates and monthly group gifts. Subscribo groups do not take a group slot. To unsub from the subscribo come to the rooftop and touch the Subscribo sign for a menu - this is also how to access the group message history.
Rooftop Dance floor SURLAll the QTI sim is open for exploration - but please be respectful of the privacy of our residents... all public areas are available from the central TP Hub rings -
Rooftop TP Hub or
Main Landing Point TP Hub